Russia is building a huge factory for space rocket engines

Proton BM has announced the construction of a large plant on the outskirts of the city of Perm in central Russia to produce space rocket engines "RD 191".
"The new plant is capable of producing 50 engines dedicated to space missiles annually, a significant figure when compared to US or European laboratories, for example," Dmitry Rogozin, director of the Russian Cosmos Space Foundation, told the RIA Novosti news agency. Its kind in terms of production and manufacturing capability of complex technologies dedicated to space rocket engines will be expanded until 2023.
Rogozin pointed out that in 2014 the Russian government allocated more than $ 30 million from the federal budget for the construction of one of the main blocks of this plant, which includes a section for the coating of engines with special layers resistant to high temperatures and a section for the development of jet technologies and a complex and laboratories to study the materials and metals involved in the manufacture of engines.
For his part, the director of the company Proton BM Dmitry Shiniatsky: The plant will be fully operational in 2023 and will be able to produce the engines "RD 191" dedicated to the aircraft "Angara" heavy space and 2025 will be joined by industrial facilities and good technology as well.
The RD191 is a single-chamber space rocket engine with special technology based on liquid kerosene and oxygen.

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